time schedule to increase productivity for students, professionals and housewives
want to show a better self of you to the world and have all that you want then continue reading till the end, this blog will help you to enjoy every moment the best you can.
as we all want that we have to want we desire for and enjoy the finest things in the world, But as it is said
"Everyone wants happiness no one wants pain but it is impossible to get rainbow without some rain"
you will also require to put effort to achieve the things that are otherwise you would have never thought of achieving. You are fat and want to have six packs, you have an important exam and want to score well, you want to learn a new skill in a relatively short time or anything, any long term goal requires discipline. In this blog, we will discuss how we will enhance this discipline.
you will also require to put effort to achieve the things that are otherwise you would have never thought of achieving. You are fat and want to have six packs, you have an important exam and want to score well, you want to learn a new skill in a relatively short time or anything, any long term goal requires discipline. In this blog, we will discuss how we will enhance this discipline.
In order to have what you want we will follow some steps that will help you to develop a discipline that makes you accomplish great things.
Having the right mindset
Are you ready to change your life or does the way you live it now is okay for you. Unless you really want to change things are difficult to work. As it is said that having the right mindset is like having half the task already done. We plan things and as we face some difficulties, we switch back to our comfort zone but you have to keep this in your mind that everything has its price, you want to achieve things early in the morning you have to force yourself out of bed, you should know this deep
inside that why you are doing so is having far more value than sleeping for another thirty minutes.
The right mindset we help you to slowly turn these difficult to do tasks like waking early or drinking 1 gallon (close to 4 liters) water daily, into habits for which you will require minimum to zero effort.
Having the right mindset
Are you ready to change your life or does the way you live it now is okay for you. Unless you really want to change things are difficult to work. As it is said that having the right mindset is like having half the task already done. We plan things and as we face some difficulties, we switch back to our comfort zone but you have to keep this in your mind that everything has its price, you want to achieve things early in the morning you have to force yourself out of bed, you should know this deep
inside that why you are doing so is having far more value than sleeping for another thirty minutes.
The right mindset we help you to slowly turn these difficult to do tasks like waking early or drinking 1 gallon (close to 4 liters) water daily, into habits for which you will require minimum to zero effort.
Know what is good for you
Now since this post is about adopting a new schedule, the first thing is that you need to know what your schedule is right now and why is it so, are your pros and cons, what is that you can do and what you can't. One thing might work for someone and not for others.
1.You need to check what are the options that you have for example if your office timing is 10 to 5 then you have to go to the office you cannot plan to watch movies during that interval of time. Make a list of time where you have the option of doing things according to your own will.
2. Once done with that what you need to do is to prioritize different things on the basis of your priority for them.
3. Done this much than 80% of work is done the only thing left is to place the items in the priority list into the options list that you prepared earlier. How to do that is where you need to concentrate. This includes selecting the right order and time slot.
A simple rule is to place the important items in the time slot you are most active and productive and then select the slots and item according to the relative order of priority and productivity.
Some tricks are that you can place a really short task like replying to emails for 5 min after every 30 minutes of some important task. You can also develop tricks like this as you slowly start realizing your duties on your own.
Examples of Schedules for everyone
Basic question - late night or early morning
Well, this is the question that is faced by every student. So what is better, going by the latest scientific discoveries and ancient Hindu and Buddhist scripts our brain works best in the morning. Your top priority task can be placed during that duration. also, late night studies have proven to produce more mental stress and cause of reducing productivity over time.
I am sharing the time schedule of my friend Ravi Thakur (M. TECH CSE, IIT Bombay),
he wakes up at 3:50, drinks water about 700-800 ml
at 4 goes to get fresh
at 4:15 start a 15 min yoga session which basically includes the Five basic Pranayam that every student should do (comment, and I will provide another post for that, also subscribe to get notified)
at 4:30 he starts his top priority work which he continues till 8:00
at 8:00 he do some exercises like jumping Jack, push-ups (comment if you want work-out plan)
at 8:15 he takes bath and get ready to go to college
as his college starts at 9:00, he comes back at 17:15 and relaxes for 15 minutes which include listening songs and checking his social media.
at 18:00 he starts his work and stretches it till 20:00
after that 30 minutes are for leisure and after that dinner and then he goes to bed at 21:00.
you can take a hint from this and make your own Schedule and practice it to increase your productivity.
Working Professionals
It is easy to get into a good schedule when you are working as you don't have lot of options. The Only thing that you need to work on is to cut off time that you waste on unnecessary things and have a fixed amount of time for each thing, and develop habits like instead of waiting for reply wait for a
notification to come, the schedule given above can also be seen for reference.
You are the one who is the backbone of a family and in order for a family to function well, you need to be in perfect condition all the time. Time schedule of most of the housewife depends on what is the time schedule the other member of the family following if that's the case then let your family members read this blog and otherwise if there is no such restriction and you have the luxury of doing whatever you want then go on and develop some skills that you have always wanted to in your free time that is when people at your home are out for work and initiate some new activities that will otherwise make you feel more satisfied.
hope this blog was beneficial for you if you want some more related information or advice you can comment in the comment section and do share this with someone you think wastes his time a lot.
learn good things and make things wonderful.
thank you for reading.
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